Sleep bad again. Managed to make it almost until 8. I don’t remember sleep being like this. It did start before kratom. I felt depressed waking up. Hopeless. I took kratom just after 9. Felt like I needed more. 3.5g. This green stuff is different from the store bought red. I played some games right away and went for a long walk. It felt OK. I don’t feel motivated to walk at all. It’s fucking hot too. This time around would be so much easier in cooler weather. I imagine this will wear off earlier than I hope and I will have to take a second dose. I thought about not taking kratom today. That didn’t last long. I can’t get through without something. I would just have to take another drug. 3.5 mile, plus another 2 mile. So hot out there. Tomorrow will be worse. I hate this heat. I took the afternoon dose. I felt like I could get by without it, but I did it proactively. I knew I would dip at like 7 and would feel like shit through the evening. I felt pretty good most of the day. I think it is a lower pain day anyway. Pain is bad, but local. Strong 7. It makes all the difference in the world. No panic feeling. I feel physically tired and fairly flat mentally, which is great. A bit of that serotonin feeling, but mostly flat. I could live here.

By Del