I was thinking yesterday that the best streak I’ve had was 6 days. I wondered if today would suck. Yep. Felt like I got run over by a bus today. Took 3.5g, then .5 more. Thank goodness I did. I struggled all day. Thought a trip to the store might help get me moving. It made it worse. Central pain, which is weird because I really don’t feel like I have terrible local pain. But I guess that’s how that works. Took 4g at 2:30 and felt nothing. Took 1g more. Heeeere we go. Slippery slope engaged. I feel the load taken off my mind, but I know I’m still not good. It’s covering it up, not stopping the central pain. I did rebound in the evening. Ended up doing 35 minutes on the bike. I felt strong doing it. Glad I did it. I somehow keep forgetting that I need to be as active as I can be when on the pain meds. But I usually get there in the end.

By Del