Surgical consult. He didn’t think there was anything worth while to do surgically. He was against hardware removal. He sent me back to pain management with the idea of doing some injections. He had the idea for another RF ablation (Intracept) that is new and generally not covered by insurance. I’ll look into that. So no magical relief with hardware removal or whatever. Back to the shit pain life. He was a bit more focused on L2-L4 levels. I think that’s where he will recommend injections. Probably 2 months before I can get those. Back was super on fire on the drive home. Took Zanaflex and ice pack and passed out on couch for a bit. I don’t feel huge withdrawals yet. Haven’t felt them at all earlier. But pain is bad and I’m wondering why I haven’t taken kratom yet. I remember the first day was probably the easiest for withdrawals. They don’t quite hit you hard until day 2. But it kind of seems easier than I remember so far. I’ve only been on it 3 weeks instead of months. Smaller amount too. But I’ll probably take it at 3:30 or so. I don’t know why I’m going without it. Partly because the timing was messed up today, partly to see if it’s possible. Maybe just have a break. I can use alcohol or weed over the next couple days if I survive today. If I start to feel withdrawals, I’ll just go right back to the kratom. I’m not suffering for no reason. I just took 6g at 3:40. I’m not suffering needlessly. This wouldn’t be the last time I take kratom. I’m not going to suffer for days, taking week and alcohol, only to go back on kratom in a few days. That’s stupid. It wasn’t a bad day for withdrawals though. I need to make a decision to quit. The sooner the better. I haven’t made that decision yet. Felt so much better with the kratom. Wasn’t too much. Just right. It almost makes the pain seem worse. I think because it gets me off the couch and moving, that causes pain, but also turns my focus to the pain. Allows me to break my constant concentration dealing with pain.