Slept well until 3am, then hard wake up. Half Zanaflex, nothing. Another half and asleep by 5:30. Woke up at 6 roasting, got fan and slept until 7:45. Not too bad in the end. No strong withdrawals, no 11:00 wake up, no 10 minutes of sleep off of 1 Zanaflex. Pain is pretty fucking bad this morning. Probably a 9. Almost horrifying. Ash/ag this morning. Only 9:00 and I’m in tons of pain. I need to commit to getting through today. I really need this tolerance break. Yesterday was very hard, but it’s in the rear view mirror and forgotten. Cool weather today for walks. I don’t know if I can walk. Still have the corydalis. I’ll probably take that sooner rather than later. 2g cory at 10:00. I’ll take another 2 at 10:30. I don’t know what the dose is for it. Beyond that, I’ll take kratom today delayed as long as I can. Pain is a proper 9. WDs are not as bad as yesterday. Much calmer there. Just massive pain. I guess the kratom was relieving pain yesterday to a certain extent. The cory will fuck with the kratom I take later, so this is a gamble. 2g at about 10:40. Touch of heartburn. I took a daily heartburn thing this morning, so that’s countering it. Lovely that the only possible help for me hurts my stomach. 12:00 and I’m ready to cave. Pain is very bad. I’ve been locked on the couch all day. Just took a shower. Trying to move to see what happens. Went to Walmart. Nearly passed out driving home. Almost rear ended someone because I couldn’t focus. Took 5.5g kratom at 1:05 when I got home. I feel better, but not great. I don’t plan on taking any more today. The corydalis will be fucking with the kratom and should actually feel like it’s potentiating it. This pain is strong and deep. I felt it deep yesterday. Different from just a painful bone thing. I beat my prediction by 2 hours! Short walk. It was difficult. Low energy. I went slower and slower. Pain is definitely better, but it’s been slow recovery. Ultimately not enough pain meds. I feel like I need alcohol. Been playing a tiny bit of D2. Pain is starting to go off the charts. That’s on an ice pack for the last hour BTW. Lots of rum and now beers. I’m feeling a bit insane. Untreated pain leads to madness. 9:00. No idea how I’ll handle tomorrow with a hangover and 10/10 pain. Lovely.

By Del