Passed out last night hard. Slept until 2:00. I was dead. Very nice. Woke up at 3:30 sweating. Got the fan. Woke up at like 6:45. Drinking always does that even without a hangover. Drank kombucha first thing, and it of course had no effect. 7g of kratom at like 8:00. Went to buy PlayStation, then to TJs for more kombucha. Got the same brand. Had one with lunch. That one had an effect. Tasted very different. Maybe it’s a better brand. I struggled through regardless and took 8g at 2:30. It’s 5 now and I feel like it’s totally worn off. Going to be a difficult evening. And tomorrow we are maxed out on kratom at 7.5/8.5. Did a short walk. It was interesting playing games on the couch. I loaded up D2 and it was a very surreal experience playing with a controller in the living room. Last of Us 2 is great. Totally different story. PS5 is a different gaming experience. The feedback on the controller is crazy. I need a mindless sports game and mindless driving game. I’ll have to find something. Maybe give the game pass a go and try a bunch of random games. That is IF I’m actually able to play and to focus on games. I stopped TLoU and switched to Ratchet and Clank and stopped playing that even. Too much for me sometimes. Did a few minutes on the table. It’s pretty difficult and causes pain. Not comfortable to lay on that thing for my fused spine. Hopefully that gets easier and I can get more aggressive or spend more time. It’s a bit relaxing at first. Molina said the authorization is still valid as long as it’s the same procedure, which it is. I told Loyola they have no excuses now and to please help me. We’ll see how big of shit bags they really are now. There is no reason to delay any longer. I could theoretically get in Friday if there is a cancellation. 5:30 and I feel very yucky. Very tired. This must be the kombucha blow back I was expecting. How am I going to fit in another tolerance break?? I guess I’ll have to do another single day like last week. Try to get one of those every week. I need this procedure asap for multiple reasons. I needed rum. Limited to 2. Dangerous doing this. Did a few minutes on the table at #2 setting and felt a touch better from it.

By Del