Slept like crap for some reason. Lots of wake ups. Pain was OK. through the night. Took some lipo c at like 4:00. Woke up at 8. More lipo c. Been doing that like every 2 or 3 hours. 12:30 now. No WDs to speak of. Did some time on the table. It’s causing some soreness from stretching things out. Mid back muscles are sore. Been using icy hot and ice packs for it. Took a nap at like 10:30 because I was so tired. I haven’t been able to do something like that in ages. That helped get through the morning. It was an easy morning. I’ll keep taking the lipo c to keep WDs down. Inversion table and ice so far are keeping the pain down. I do feel a tiny tickle of pain relief from the table. I need it to be like it was last night. I don’t know how to get there. I’m guessing the kratom combined with the pain relief cause that. I need it without the kratom. Did a church walk earlier. It was difficult because of the soreness I have. I don’t feel like a great day with kratom, I don’t feel like last night, but it’s not bad at all so far. Feels more like adjusting to no drugs rather than withdrawaling from them. 3:00. Been playing games on couch. Back hurts from that. About to go on table for a bit again. Had kombucha at like 2:30. Been taking lipo c. Feeling some WDs now. Sweaty armpits. I wish it were like 7:00! Church walk. Pain is driving me nuts already. 4:30. Barely past my normal second dose. Sitting on the couch or in the chair gaming isn’t that easy on the back. The table isn’t helping at all, naturally. WDs are mild. Expected to ramp up from here. Pain is barely manageable. I think I overdid the table out of desperation. Though for the last 2 days, it only helped a night. Boy this day ramped up. Pain and WDs were so good early on. Now the WDs aren’t so bad, but the pain is at the limit. 6:00 and I’m going to start drinking. I need it. Pain is really fucking bad. Probably too much alcohol. Lots of that rum. I didn’t keep track. 9:00. Just bought MS flight sim on sale because it seemed like the right thing to do. I’m totally going to get into it. $38, so it’s nothing to cry about. 160gb! Let’s go! Gotta take advantage of that unlimited plan.

By Del