Woke up at 8. Slept OK. 6g at 9. 7g at 3:10. Didn’t feel good today like I did last night. It’s not the table. It’s the kratom finally working late into the evening. Maybe a little boost from the table, just like I had from the brace. Also right after drinking, and it seems kratom has a good day or two after drinking. It wasn’t a bad day today though. Did a short walk in the afternoon, and a long one in the evening. Tough finishing the evening walk though. I’m about at that point where I’m feeling rage. So sick of this pain. This disability. I feel like I don’t even know how to live like a normal person anymore. Even if the pain went away tomorrow, how can I be normal? And I’m still on drugs. A full recovery doesn’t start until I’m off the drugs, but that doesn’t start until my pain is treated. Never ending cycle.