Sleep was weird. Lots of pain. I remember waking up thinking I should take ibuprofen, but wasn’t able to reach out and grab it and fell asleep again. Wasn’t bad sleep. I did skip a dose yesterday. Woke up with a lot of pain. Took 6g at 8:00. It’s probably better to taper rather than skip doses. Like take 5g last night instead of nothing. Then 5 this morning. Got on the table and it hurt. Everything was very tight. Took a minute to loosen up to my normal, then I was able to get the normal table treatment in. I’m probably overdoing it, but I still can’t get it nailed down. I’m doing very short sessions at 45 degrees. Long ones hurt too much, so this seems right, but the pain and tightness this morning suggest otherwise. It’s still new, so it might be fine. 7g at about 2:30. Didn’t feel much of anything from it. Feeling some side effects at about 5. No real pain relief from it. Pain has been central all day. Hasn’t bothered me too much, because I had a couple days off from it. This adds up over time though. It was probably the lack of pain meds. That let the pain come back over night. I woke up in a lot of pain and had trouble moving. The table isn’t a cure. Just part of the treatment plan. Feel better later in the day 2 long walk today. Felt good to get outside and move. Rainy today, so I couldn’t do it early. Felt good midway through the walk, then dropped off. I took 2 doses of kratom today, and even though I didn’t feel them very much, I think it will help me sleep better and wake up in less pain, which should prevent the pain from being central. My hope is to dump the kratom, but it doesn’t look like I can base on this.