Fell asleep OK, but woke up a lot. Finally at 6:45. I should have drugged myself. Day started bad and went downhill. Took 6.5g of the bagged red at 8:15. Felt a mild response, nothing great. Then the acid attack came. Then the stomach pain. Nearly threw up twice. Took 1.5g more to help get through. Chugging Pepto Bismol. Acid came back after lunch. Haven’t moved from the couch until 1:15. Hoping this will get better so I can keep the pm dose of kratom down. Probably 8g. This stuff is much weaker than the jarred stuff. So much of this is happening because of the switch in kratom batches. A bad sign if I’m this sensitive to changes. Too much time on the stuff. I’m sure the stomach pain is because of it. Maybe it’s intestines behind the stomach or something. Liver? Can’t wait to get the new stuff (old stuff) back in. No shipping notice, which has happened before, but it was fine. Maybe tomorrow or day after. I can struggle through with what I have, or worse case go to the store and buy more of the jarred stuff. That worked really well for the last couple days. I was heading back into a taper and into a good stretch, and once again, the rug was pulled and I fell right on my dick. Again. 8g at 2:10. 2 more at 2:50. I don’t feel a fucking thing. That kratom is dead. Just got shipping notice for the replacement kratom. Hasn’t shipped yet, so I need to go to the store to buy some of that jarred stuff. As soon as I’m vertical and able to even get in the shower. That’s a huge priority. Fucking terrible day. Horrifying. 2 more at 3:35. Enough to get me in the shower and to the store for better stuff. Got the same jarred red. Hopefully it works as well. Just took 2g of that. This is the most I’ve ever taken, but that bagged red did pretty much nothing. I’ll probably have too much in me now. Probably will get sick like I did last week. This is so much fun. Frantically running to the store to buy drugs made me feel like an addict. That’s also lovely. I was roasting yesterday evening. That must have been a withdrawal symptom from basically only taking 3.5g. Finally feel better after taking the jarred stuff. In retrospect, I should have done that in the morning. Lots of heady side effects to deal with. Tomorrow should be a better day. I don’t know what is fucking with my stomach so badly other than kratom. No idea how to deal with that.