Sleep was a bit better. No coughing in the night. I woke up for a bit a couple times, but didn’t take Zanaflex. Woke up just before 9:30. There was 1.5g left of the jarred red. The rest was new green, which is a fairly old batch. Same one I started back up on 101 days ago. It feels like it’s a bit weaker than the red. I’ll see how the day goes, but I’m thinking today might be a pause day. Repeat 5/6? It’s probably a good idea any which way. Other people would say I’m tapering too fast. And if this is a touch weaker, then it might be a good idea. I had problems switching batches over the last couple weeks, so it’s probably the smart thing to do. If it’s truly weaker, then a pause is still a step down anyway. I felt really worn out this morning. Hard waking up right now. Had some caffeine. Didn’t get going until the kratom dose. Just took a short walk. A bit rough. Didn’t even think about extending it. Tunnel visioned on a short one. The cold feels better, but I’m sure that’s contributing to me feeling wrecked in the mornings. I’m hoping there will come a day where I don’t feel wrecked and don’t feel an urgent need for kratom. Probably around 3g. I hope I’ll just no longer feel the need for the taper and just jump. I had the desire yesterday. Hopefully that desire gets stronger and sorts itself out. I’ll stick with the taper though to ease the transition. Feeling a dip at 11. Pain feels OK., but I feel low on kratom. A bit of a drop and I’m feeling it. Nothing major, but I think I need to correct it. This is basically a taper down this morning, even though I’m pausing. Hopefully it evens out by tomorrow. No increased pain like with the super strong stuff. Quitting this stuff is rough! Been a rough couple hours waiting. 6g at 3:10. The way this day has gone, I might need to pause again tomorrow or even increase by .5 in the am. OK, that pm dose hit me a bit hard. I felt it in my head. I don’t know how it was so off this morning. Taper back on tomorrow. Hopefully this doesn’t actually raise my tolerance and give me problems. Tomorrow is the same dose in the morning, drop in the pm, which probably would have worked today, but whatevs. Long walk. Feeling the soreness in my hip flexors from last night. Better energy now. Short walk. Not a great day. Nothing like the last few. This one was harder. No pain relief feeling, no energy boost. If I have to go buy more jarred red, I will. I’m not sure those good feelings are possible without the drugs.

By Del