Ibuprofen and half Zanaflex at 6:30. Woke up at 8:30. Pain felt better, but my head was off. 5.5g at 9:40. Helped just enough. Feels like a transition day. Maybe it will get better as the day goes. Table felt really nice. Still hoping for a pop, but happy for the good feels. Not exactly relief, but the pain isn’t bad. I only get pops after being upright, and that hasn’t happened for a bit. I ‘think’ I managed to overdo it, deal with the flare up the next day, recover, and get back on with it. I think. Short walk. Lunch. Still having a hard time sitting upright. This has been a problem for weeks. Short walk. Local pain is horrible. But it’s local. 1 hour away from the drugs. I can’t wait. I have so little energy lately. Can’t even be upright. Better food and more exercise could help that. Fuuuck! It’s so fucking bad! 6.5g at 3:10. I could not go any longer. I’m glad (?) it’s still local pain? Forced some games. I need to sit upright. The meds helped a lot. Playing games took my mind off the side effects. Ice pack helped a lot. I decided to play games instead of a walk just to be upright. Now after sitting here for a while, I need a walk. Medium walk. Small, deep pop on the table. I don’t think that’s the one I was looking for, but I’ll take it.