Woke up 8:15. Sleep was decent. I feel marginally better today. Felt mild WDs more than pain this morning. Still took 6.5g at 9:30. Took me a long time to get upright. Dentist today. Medium walk. Very slow at the end. gritting my teeth. Holy fucking hell. That was pure torture. 1-1/2 hours in the chair. I was working so hard to meditate through it. So much fucking pain. Good news is that my teeth are in good shape. 7.5g of the green riau. Giving that another try. Already feel a bit nauseous. New Vietnam was supposed to be here today, but USPS can’t seem to get my packages here. Even though my knife was at the same distribution center and it made it. Fuck, just realizing I have my spine follow up tomorrow at 9am. That’s going to be a rough one. Managed a medium walk. Slow at the end. I’m wiped from that appt. Tomorrow is another one with lots of driving too.