Sleep was shit again. Did a double zanny and ibu. Woke up 9:15. Today was too important with the appt. Buuuut, of course it dumped snow last night. Had to scrape off the car. Got the the appt, and nobody was there. Because of course. It’s me. Why would an important appt happen? No call from those ass holes. I called them to reschedule. Same thing will probably happen with my psych appt, but this one would have gotten me a disabled parking permit. I was looking forward to that thing. Plus a new prescription for Zanaflex and maybe Lyrica. But fuck Del. Number one rule. Fuck Del. Then some ass hole took my parking space at home. I had to plow into a new space covered in snow. Fucking cunts. Fuck the disabled guy. Let them shovel the walkway. Let them dig out their cars. Fuck them. I can’t believe how big of cunts people are. And the shit storm all falls down on me. Right in my fucking mouth. Oh yeah, 6g at 9:40. Morning is fucked and I feel shitty, so I don’t know about tapering this pm. No pops on the table. 2:00 and I feel like I’m over the line mentally. Pain doesn’t feel bad enough to warrant it, but here I am. 7g at 3:20. Tanking mentally. Pain seems stable. Probably would have been fine if I didn’t have to go to the doctor and end up with shit in my mouth from this morning. The universe likes kicking me in the nuts. Got a call from SNAP. It sounds like it’s good to go. I don’t know why I waited so long to do all this shit. Today was a shit day in the end. I’m ready for some beers. Even though I’ve had a few good days, I still feel the cracks in my sanity. This rise in pain and decrease in sanity is an exponential shift. Normally I only have the pain increase on the first day. Ready to go back up to 6.5g.