Hard wake up at 7. Half zanny, but no sleep. 3 rums last night, but no problems sleeping or hangover, other than the early wake up. Caffeine. 7.5g at 9:35. Hit the shower. Feels decent at 10:45, but it feels like it will wear off soon and fuck me up later. Pain is bad, for sure. The only way I’m dealing with it is because of the kratom. Parking placard came today. Thank fuck for that. My PERMANENT placard expires in 2-1/2 years. What part of permanent do they not get? The core concept I guess. In 2 years I’ll just apply for plates. If I still have a car and am still alive. And you still need a meter exempt placard to go with the plates anyway, and those expire. I don’t get how things can be so broken, or why things are designed for failure. Why have the program at all? Or design it for success. 8.5g at 3:20. Not much of an effect even at 5:30. Feel off. Not quite nausea. The makings for a major migraine are here. Don’t know where that came from. A day off is on my radar. Been considering it. I don’t know how I get through it. Last time I tried, the pain was so bad I had to take kratom again in the pm. I would have to drink all day, and that shit just doesn’t work at all. Feel a bit more evened out at 6:30. Very antsy though. No table pops in a few days. Short walk. Not too bad.

By Del