Sleep was bad again, similar to the last night. Woke up with headache again. Can’t get a comfortable position, snoring on exhale. Probably because I’m fat. Half zanny at 715. Woke up 8:30. Didn’t get to sleep until well after 12. 7g green mahakam a 9:30. I need to get that actual pain relief today to be able to taper down in any way. Had a good lunch. Didn’t taste so good today. Haven’t been doing great today. Short walk. I think that was a mistake. Really slow after halfway point. Very painful. With brace on. 12:30. Fuck. 2:00, mild struggle. Lots of pain, some of it from the table. Trying to deal with it as if it’s caused by the table. I can deal with that. Pain=gain in that respect. My normal pain = insanity. Feels spasmy. 8g at 3:30. 5:40, not good. Nowhere near what yesterday was. And falling fast. Still doing table and mag oil. I guess that’s not going to do it. I guess I’m proper fucked. Limped through to 8:30. Started rum. Only have 1-1/2 left. It always feels so much worse crashing after a decent day or two. I haven’t had more than 2 in a row for the last 7 weeks. I was really hoping an increase in table use would help. I still have to think that I guess. 2 seltzers also.

By Del