Pretty good sleep. Fewest wake ups. I can remember in forever. Pain is decent, though bothering me. No shock feeling in my head. I will switch kratom today to the maeng da. And I will take 6g. 10:15. Just ordered new kratom from Crisp. They have some really fresh stuff. I’m interested to see how my dose gets adjusted. I just opened a new bag today, but it smells oxidized. That stuff always does. And the bags are a bit bigger, so they always end up getting more oxidized by the end of it. It probably doesn’t matter in the end. And I need to use this stuff up because I can’t afford to waste anything. 7g at 3:30. Been playing TAB. Sweaty map that was hurting. Not bad though. Getting through better than normal. I’ll probably pay for it. Just did table, ibuprofen, icy hot, then kratom. I’ll have to take it easy later. Short walk. That TAB map was really sweaty and I was on edge the whole time. That fucked with my back. It hurts a lot. More than this morning. I’ll be fine for the rest of the day. I need to recover as best as I can. This is the point where I overdo it and start the cycle over again. I know it will cycle even if I didn’t overdo it, but this guarantees it. Chill out, ice, mag oil, icy hot, gentle table time. Stop that spasming and nerve pain. Pain was really bad sitting, so I lied down with the mag oil and it started feeling better. I just took half a Zanaflex and more ibuprofen. I’m going to give the zanny a try. I’m hoping it calms down the nerve pain and spasm feeling that’s there. I feel like the pain is really only slightly better than normal. I’m just not in a bad state of shock is the real difference. I’m trying to keep myself from going back into that state. The table might cause pain at this point, so I’m being careful with that, although it feels OK. unloading with just a slight angle. The panic can cause shock, just like the shock can cause panic. Just cleaned the bathroom. Been ages for that. It hurts, but I’m trying to get some good feels from accomplishing something. Short walk. I feel very unstable up top. Not surprising. Had the brace on, and that helped a ton. Took it slow for the last half. I’m so out of shape now, I need tons of work to get back. Of course I need more than 2 days in a row for that to happen. I had the thought of stalling at a dose for a few days to let me do more physical things. To get my body moving again. Or do I keep tapering so when the pain inevitably comes back in full force I have some headroom with the meds? Played a few D2 strikes. Hurts like hell.

By Del