Holy fucking shit sleep was bad. Couldn’t fall asleep, couldn’t stay asleep. I remember about 40 wake ups by 3am. Oh my god. I am drained today. So tired, exhausted. Still doing the Lyrica. Need to make appt today to get on a proper dose long term. The more I think about it, the more it seems like actual fibromyalgia. It would be nice to find a specialist, but probably not with my insurance. I’ll have a look on Molina’s site to see if that’s a thing. I would think it’s under pain management or neurology or something. Maybe PCP would know. Probably not. 6g at 10:10. I might have actually felt better today if not for the sleep issues. It’s always something. Rheumatology or pain mgmt. I’ll still go to PCP and maybe get started or get a referral. Of course the Molina listings don’t work. What else is new? Got a PCP appt today at 2:30. Hopefully I can get the Lyrica from them. And I’ll ask for a referral in case a specialist needs it (if I can find one). I am kind of flying right now. Between the caffeine and the Lyrica, I feel like I’ve had 4 big cups of coffee. Whatever pain is there, it’s not really bothering me. I don’t feel shock. I feel medication side effects of course. I don’t feel at all normal, but it’s better than pain. Table felt good earlier BTW. Long session, solid, didn’t keep me from walking, very minor pain relief. Doctor gave me a referral and more Lyrica. Still staying low, but I can call him if I need to increase. I need to try these numbers that didn’t work to see if they can help, otherwise maybe Loyola. Doctor called Loyola and found out my injection is April 4. I thought it was in May. That’s great news. Only like 2 weeks away from that. That will give me some answers also. Took 6g with me in the car. Took it at 3:30. I don’t really feel the need for kratom right now. I took it mainly because I was out and about and I don’t know what’s going to happen pain wise. The Lyrica is doing that good of a job. Maybe an aggressive taper schedule? Maybe this is the time to get in the day off. I broke my juicer! Arghhh. I have been addicted to homemade sorbet and now I broke it. Just when I was ready to back it up, POP. I can kind of still do it if I muscle the parts together. Rough on the body, but delicious. Short walk. I can’t remember if I took the pm Lyrica. I’m bad with that. I’m going to go forward, at least for a little while, under the assumption that it is fibromyalgia. This changes a lot of the way I think about pain. The whole ‘shock’ theory could be bullshit. It’s just fibro flaring up. Maybe it’s the same thing in the end, but treating fibro and not spine issues could help it. Maybe injections don’t provide immediate relief because it’s fibro that’s the problem. The injection brings down the pain, which brings down the fibro in a day. I guess it’s kind of the same end really, but potentially a different treatment to get there.