Sleep was fucking awful again, though slightly better than the night before. So many wakeups. I was sore everywhere this morning. Shoulders, hips, neck, back. Woke up at 7, took half Zanaflex, couldn’t fall back to sleep, got out of bed at 8. Laid on ice pack. 6g at 9:30. I was going to triple dose, but barely managed to wait it out. Got the SSD delivered today, so I have to install that in dad’s PC and clone his hard drive. Lots of work for me. The biggest problem is waiting 2 hours for it to finish. Everyday is a hard day, and without sleep, it’s nearly impossible. 10:30 the meds are starting to work. I feel the pain relief. Thank goodness. Hopefully it lasts. Went to dad’s twice to replace his drive. It was really difficult. I would say it used all my spoons for the day. It’s 300 and we’re half an hour away from meds. I think these pm meds will fix me up and give me more spoons. I think it will work out ok. I can feel the Lyrica saving me from shock and panic. I hope it lasts. 6.5g at 3:25. I feel out of sorts today. Super tired, but that big effort at dad’s has me messed up. I do know that I would be totally couch bound normally, but I’m upright. I can feel a lot of the pain, but it feels manageable – like a 7. I know I would be feeling like an 8 or 9 without the Lyrica. That ‘shock’ feeling is the fibro. That explains a lot and fills in a lot of gaps. There doesn’t seem to be much of a way to treat it other than a few meds and the same stuff you would do for pain anyway. That’s unfortunate. Just fuck all the pain patients, no matter where you’re pain comes from. The more I read though, the more I realize it is fibro. Yeah, I can feel the struggle underneath the Lyrica. I have no doubt I would be couch bound and freaking out right now. I don’t feel good even with the Lyrica, but I can manage. I can fight the pain, and I can deal with feeling yucky. Yeah, really tough night. Been on the couch. This is one of those over the limit days. But, I’m getting by with the Lyrica. Played a game, but rage quit. No patience or ability. Ice is helping. Maybe I’ll try a walk. Short walk. Got easier after I started. I think the pm dose is helping.