Sleep was worse than the night before, but decent. Woke up with a nasty headache. My whole face hurt. Took a Tylenol and put icy hot on my face and head. Had a coffee and the headache is better. Fibro feels worse than last night. Pain I think feels better, but that might be the fibro ramping up and the pain going more global and less local. Just because yesterday turned out OK, doesn’t mean shit for today, unfortunately. Finally got pants on at noon. I feel pretty groggy and tired today. Definitely better rested yesterday which helped me overcome the Lyrica grogginess. I don’t feel like I have any kind of ability to do anything. I’ll try to push through and hopefully it doesn’t blow up in my face like usual. The pain meds barely touched the pain, and it’s already faded. Kind of on my own.

Phew…Been pretty tough since I typed last. Been spiraling pretty bad. Pain has ramped up significantly and I’ve been on the couch all afternoon. I think if I treated the pain better this morning, I would have had a better afternoon. I took less because I felt decent, and I knew what I was doing. I guess. Although I didn’t think it would devolve quite like this. Fuck me again. My god, I’ve been sitting here trying to do website stuff, and holy shit. Flare up complete. We are gone. Fuuuuuuck. What the fuck does it take to get 2 days in a row? 5:25 and it’s getting ridiculous. Headache building. Just put icy hot on my head. No appetite again today. Back pain feels terrible, but it’s the full body effect that is crushing me. What a fucking night. I’ve desperately been waiting for 8:00 to roll around so I can use some rum to treat this unreal pain. Every time this shit hits me this hard I’m shocked. Even though it’s happened hundreds of times before. It still shocks me every time. Oh god this is bad. Help. How on earth do I go from one of the best days in 2 weeks to one of the worst in a matter of hours?

By Del

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