I’ve been cutting back on pain meds and muscle relaxants, and that has been leading to a lot less sleep. I woke a couple hours earlier than I would have wanted. That’s normal when I reduce medications. Without any medications, I would probably only get about 5 hours of really bad sleep. I don’t think I’ll be able to stop my medications until my spine issues are fixed. Pain was pretty bad first thing. I got on the inversion table and then on an ice pack. Pain meds, shower, ice pack, and I’m feeling more normal. Still feel a bit paralyzed, but I’m pushing through it. I’ve made a big effort over the last few days. I’m tired from it, and when the pain comes back in full force, and it most definitely will, I’ll be extra burned out from spending all this mental energy. I have to fight whenever I can though. Whenever I get 1 millimeter of space, I need to push back.
Short walk after lunch and a trip to Aldi. I’m at my limit right now. I need to recover before I try anything else. Been on the couch for a couple hours. Pain is ramping up a lot. Fibro is coming back. It always does. I was hoping the reduction in muscle relaxants might help somehow. At the moment it’s not.
Whew, fibro is flaring up really bad, really rapidly. I have no idea what causes this. My pain was bad, and it follows bad pain, but I’ve had bad pain for a few days and it didn’t set off the fibro. Today was that morning walk that has been fucking me for months. I can just sit here and watch it happen, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. And the cycle continues. It never ends. It’s pure insanity. Aaand there’s the headache. Every fucking time.
Just did a short walk. The afternoon meds and some supplements felt like they gave me a bit of a reprieve, so I took advantage. It might only make things worse, but these last 3-1/2 days were literally the longest decent streak of day I’ve had since Christmas and I don’t want to let it go. I’m still fighting it. A bit. For now. My head still feels like shit though. Those fibro flares really mess with the head. Let me have some good days. Let me be able to help myself. I’m doing all the right things, and I get pulled back in.
That flare up kicked back really hard. I nearly passed out. Really close. I’m just coming out of that pass-out haze. It rings my bell even if I don’t actually pass out. God I hate this. Please help.