Woke up at 6:30 again, but I got really good sleep between midnight at 4:00, so I don’t feel super tired like yesterday. Just regular tired. I feel like I could be progressing on these days, but I’m stuck in place. It’s always something. I don’t know if I’m back in this crappy sleep cycle again or if it’s just random. These things usually go in cycles. I had a lot of spasms last night and first thing this morning. Medication is helping that. That very well might be the reason I couldn’t sleep this morning. Spasms are brutal, but muscle relaxants can help.
Got in a short walk after dinner. It was quite difficult. I had my strong back brace on and it was still hard. I started feeling a bit better at about 7:00. No clue why, but I’ll take it whenever I get it. I usually sleep better when I feel better, so my fingers are crossed for that tonight.