The fibromyalgia has decided to ease up today. It took until about 3:00 until I could tell for sure. I haven’t been able to do much of anything though. I still can’t sleep and I still can’t play games. Pushing ice packs all day still. What else can I do? My spine starts hurting about 5 minutes after the ice pack comes off. I don’t think the ablations have had any effect unfortunately. I really need to start planning for the worst case scenario. I’ve wasted enough time with optimism. My version of optimism means I would be able to sit upright for more than 30 minutes at a time, but that certainly isn’t even happening. There are zero thoughts in my head about having any kind of normalcy in my life. I was forced to give up on that many years ago. I would settle for being a strange person with a slight drinking problem and who is awkward in public and deals with constant depression and anxiety. That would be 50 times better than what I am today. And that is so very sad.

By Del

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