Really tired today. Fell asleep on my futon in the afternoon for a very short nap. Sleep has been really mixed lately. I had a solid 6 weeks where it was completely horrible. I feel like it’s good tiredness today. Sort of recovery tiredness. Maybe there is healing happening. It’s so rare for me. I need all the recovery I can get. I forget how much sleep can help because it’s so rare and elusive for me. When I get a little extra, sometimes it just kick starts some recovery. I felt a flare up coming on before the nap. I took some magnesium and put on some magnesium oil, then laid down on the futon. I think I held off the flare up because of it. For now at least.

This fucking weather in this shit hole city man. It’s killing me. Heat has never done me any favors. Cool weather does. It was like 90F at 11am today. I’m sweating in an air conditioned space. I need the cool weather to hit right now. Forecast says there will be stupid hot weather for another week. It sucks all the energy out of me, and it’s demoralizing for someone from San Francisco.

By Del

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