The fibro fog feels better today. I was able to sleep better and felt better when I woke up. It’s amazing how the shitstorm all hits at the same time, and when it eases, everything eases. Except the spine pain of course. Glad to have a reprieve. I just hope it lasts long. I’m not going to do any exercise because I don’t want to risk hurting myself. I really wish I knew what causes the flares and how to prevent/stop them.
Just sitting here doing nothing at noon, I can feel this spine pain so strongly. I don’t know if it’s ramping up or if this is just average. Probably the latter, but when I notice it, I focus on it, and it is so very strong. I don’t know everything that flares the fibromyalgia, but I do know that pain for sure flares it. On these decent days, I want to make sure I don’t push into the red. I’ve tried it both ways: exercising and doing lots of movement, or just sitting around resting and playing video games. Neither method keeps the fibro flares away. I flare even without severe pain. I need to know why those flares happen. I understand that I probably won’t recover from a flare if the pain is severe, and it has been severe for the last week. But why do I flare with decent pain levels? I don’t think I’ll ever know, unfortunately. I’m just very worried at the moment that I will flare again from this strong pain. It’s probably an 8, but it feels like it’s better than that in comparison to the last several days of full on fibro flare and passing out from the pain. That probably tricks me into exercising more than I should. I’m just worried another flare is right around the corner. I need to go to the store, so that will be my major effort for the day. Hopefully I don’t forget the ice pack.
Made it to the store. The ice pack saved me. I didn’t need much, so I was out the door pretty fast. I’m not doing anything physical for the rest of the day. In fact, I think I’m going to focus on doing everything I can to keep the pain as low as I can. Constant ice packs, ibuprofen, Icy Hot. Limited time sitting upright.
I’ve been succeeding in preventing major spine pain. Just did a church walk. That’s as far as I’m going to walk right now. I won’t risk it. Alternating between a back brace and ice packs. Going pretty well so far. I’m so glad to get a breather, but the next bad day will seem worse because of the differential between the days.