I definitely flared myself up yesterday. At least there was a reason for it. I can live with that. These random mega-flare days that hit for no reason are pure insanity. Last night was difficult to get through, but I was able to keep myself distracted enough. Sleep was OK, though it was painful. This morning is more of the same of all that. Mild fibro flare, lots of spine pain. I’m nursing myself back up to a decent level. I think I’ll be out of it for the day while I recover. I would love to have enough endurance so I can get through days like yesterday without tipping toward crisis mode. I need a lot of fibro-free days under my belt before I can even start walking a lot. Right now if I start introducing movement into my routine, it only flares me up. I’ve never had more than 4 decent days in a row, so I have no clue what something like 2 weeks even feels like.

I’ve been right on the edge all day. I’m in a mild flare, but teetering toward a severe flare. I don’t feel like there’s a middle ground today. I’ve been taking it easy and being mindful of the tenuous grasp I have on this mild flare up. I have an errand to run in a bit. I’ll jam the ice pack in the back of my pants and hope for the best. It shouldn’t be very difficult, but getting in and out of the car is always a challenge. Thank goodness I have the disabled parking placard. That thing has often kept a decent day from turning into a bad one, and it helps keep bad days just a tiny bit more manageable.

Well, I’ve lost control over this flare. Afternoon medications haven’t done anything for it. The flare is overpowering all my efforts. At least I know the cause of this flare up. It’s not completely random. Once again, I can’t make it past 3 decent days in a row. My record is 4. I’ll adjust medications tomorrow and hope I can reduce the duration of it.

By Del

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