I desperately needed to get some decent sleep to help overcome yesterday’s flare, but of course, I failed. Yesterday evening’s mild flare has now turned into a medium flare. Because of course it fucking did. I figured I was due for one today anyway, so it’s pretty much right on time. My record of 4 decent days in a row stands. I don’t see myself ever breaking that record. Certainly not without medical intervention, which I can’t seem to obtain.
Well, I don’t know what I did, but I seem to be having a rebound. I pushed the fibromyalgia control effort pretty hard, and I guess it’s maybe paying off. I had some extra caffeine too, and I think that helped. I am super tired today, and sometimes caffeine actually helps. Usually it doesn’t. I have a pretty strong headache. That usually goes along with the fibromyalgia flare. Maybe the flare is fading and the headache is still around. We’ll see how it plays out for the rest of the day. Cooking dinner now. I’ve only eaten some rice at about 2:00. Not much of an appetite, but I can eat.
8:30, and I’m ready for bed. This headache is close to achieving migraine status. I rarely get those, thankfully. I’ve had an ice pack on it and icy hot on my head. It’s only scratching the surface. I’m so tired from missing out on sleep last night. I’m going to hit the bed in a few minutes and ride out the rest of the night until I fall asleep.