I felt pretty decent yesterday evening and at bed time, then I had horrible sleep. It never fails. There’s always something in my way. I used some medications to help get me through the night, and I believe that saved my day. Difficult waking up and getting going, but hanging in there once it started. I still feel like I’m in some sort of transition stage. This would be day 3 of that. If the recovery from this surgery wasn’t so oppressively bad, I might gain some hope over this, but I have absolutely no clue if or when I will actually recover, and I have no clue if I will improve or just get back to baseline.

Did a church walk and some laundry. Man, laundry can be super painful. Fibromyalgia feels OK, but the spine pain is high. I got on the inversion table and I had a painful stretch. That’s OK in the long run, but it can add to the pain short term. I put on some icy hot to help out. Usually when it’s that painful, I end up getting some pops and cracks that relieves that sort of pain, but that didn’t happen. I’ve been trying to use the inversion table more lately. I usually get on it and feel some cracks, then I stop. I need to get that soft tissue stretch, but also I need to build up to it. It will probably crack later on in the evening.

By Del

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