OK sleep last night. So many wake ups. There’s so much pain overnight that it wakes me up all the time, but last night was about as good as it gets for me. We had some rain overnight and I had the window open, so that helped soothe me back to sleep. Low energy today, but the spine pain feels controlled so far this morning, so I’ll gladly take it. I need to get to the store. Hopefully that doesn’t tip me pain wise. It’s been a while since I’ve had a low pain day. By “low”, of course I mean like a 7.5/10. A proper 7 would be a good day for me.

I posted Thursday about a segment on Last Week Tonight about Social Security Disability. I mentioned my case has been going on for 9.5 months already without much progress. I jumped through all the hoops and was evaluated by SSD stooge doctors. Oddly enough, the very next day, which was yesterday evening, I received an update from SSD stating my case had moved to stage 4 out of 5. This means they will be making a decision within 15-30 days at this point. I assume it will be 30 or more, and I assume it will be a denial. I would love to get the denial as soon as possible so I can start the appeal process as soon as possible. The longer they wait, the more it screws me in every way. So if I made a post and the next day I received an update on the progress of my case, maybe I’ll make a post that says please approve my case. I am desperate for help. I created this website so I can get help and support, including monetary support. Every bit of this website shows how desperate I am for help. So maybe making this post can help the powers that be hear my plea for help and approve my application. Thank you. That is all.

Still so very bored. I don’t have a way I can ease that boredom. I can’t sit at my desk and play video games. My computer just sits there and teases me. I have to just sit here and be bored. Trying to find other stuff to entertain me because I can’t entertain myself. It’s a terrible thing. It’s one of the many nasty things pain patients have to deal with.

By Del

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