Yesterday was an absolute disaster. Horribly fibro flare, bad headache, super tired. I finally passed out from it all in the evening. Thank goodness. Sleep last night was terrible too. This medication seems to cause very similar cycles, and they always end with bad headaches and terrible sleep. They also burn me out really badly. Even though I’m better today, I’m super exhausted and fried. It takes me several days to recover, which is the same as an actual fibro flare. This medication protocol is supposed to work this way, and the bad days are supposed to get better and fewer. It seems to be working as intended, but I am just struggling so hard with it. I think because my fibromyalgia is so far advanced, it will be much more difficult. They said most people don’t have to take off work to get through this reversal process. I’ve been off for 2 years because of this disease. I also have a nasty spine problem I have to deal with, so I’m just assuming my case is more severe than average. However it happens, I always get it worse than the average person. I’m sticking with it for now because I’ve seen that this medication can do something. It hasn’t yet had the desired overall effect, but the negative parts are very consistent, and I have had a few good days in between. Also, I have ZERO other options!

By Del

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