Had a follow up with spine surgery today. As expected, they aren’t interested in doing anything for me. Nobody wants to touch the dumpster fire of a spine I have. Nobody has wanted to help me at all throughout this whole ordeal. Especially the doctors who are supposed to help.

I finally started to recover from the last week’s worth of fibro flare ups. I just crashed hard on the floor futon for a tiny bit. It was only a few minutes, but that felt really good. This happened about a week ago after I took 3 days off the new meds. I’m doing the same thing now. I’ll give it another day and a half or two days, then I’ll start back up. I can control these cycles by going on/off the meds. You’re not supposed to do that, but I can’t get through with taking the medication every day like I’m supposed to, so I have no choice. I’m hoping I can cycle manually for a little while, then eventually get onto a consistent, daily schedule. I can try cutting the pills into smaller pieces, but extended release pills aren’t supposed to be cut. They say you can cut it once, but even with that, I still feel it hitting within 20 minutes, so I don’t want to hack it up further.

By Del

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