Definitely paid for 2 days of 1 dose of meds a day. I woke up at about 3am. It was a half hour before I realized I had the kratom withdrawal insomnia. I took half a Zanaflex and got back to sleep. Probably lost 1:15 or more of sleep. Woke up at 7am. I think the ash increases the metabolization of kratom. So the extra wave of goodness I had was the ash scouring my system for any kratom left and burning through it. I took 6g this morning and it felt stronger than usual. I think the ash depletes the kratom in the system. I think it will be a good tool for quitting kratom. I think I will discontinue it for now, until I quit kratom again. Unless I need an anti-anxiety boost. Agmatine and ash powder together should be a good way to quit. It should accelerate the withdrawals. Took kratom at 8am. It’s 12:30 now and I am fucking dying. Pain is so bad. It was lovely this morning when the kratom worked. I am thinking about a mid day dose. I don’t think I can last 3 more hours until my normal time. 6g at 2:40. Had ice most of the day and was dying. Untreated pain accumulates. +1g at 3:20. This pain is so deep. I feel like I’m giving birth through my spine. I feel so incredibly fucked from pain. I think maybe the ash burned through the kratom in my system and left me with no residual protection. I should have taken a small dose at noon and built back up. Wow, this is intense. I had that ash boost at about 6. Lasted maybe 1-1/2 hours. Did a medium walk. I regretted not cutting it short. I felt great mentally. Not opioid “high” at all. The pain was very intense on the last legs home. It has been bad since I’ve been back. Ice pack. It’s like an intense exhaustion coupled with pain. Hard to describe. I’m not tired or beat, but the pain is something that feels like exhaustion in my spine. I don’t know. It sucks.

By Del