Slept horribly. Constant wake ups with lots of pain. Took half a Zanaflex and ibuprofen for pain. Managed to sleep until 8:30. Suffered through to 10:00 and took 6.5g. 7g at 3:30, +.8g at 4:10. When the morning dose wore off, boy the pain was intense. It really is 5 hours. Like clockwork. I managed a short walk. Loads of pain. It’s a grinding pain. Constantly there. Better when laying down. It’s at the point where I can’t sit without an ice pack. Without an ice pack, I’m laying down. That’s it for me. Pain mgmt in 3 days. I’ve been thinking of kratom break strats. Maybe skip Thursday night and Friday morning. That will give me about 24 hours. Then hit the beer Friday when I get home, which should be at about 1pm. Weed to supplement. Or just take Friday morning off and deal with whatever comes. The kratom isn’t working very well anymore. It was OK this morning, but I still can’t sit without an ice pack. I feel the need to take beer or weed to supplement the kratom because the pain is so bad. But adding 2 or 3 beers on top of kratom is far different from beer only. That turns into 12 beers. But my tolerance is out of whack now and it’s not working very well. I guess I can keep upping the dose. Tolerance break is probably a very good thing.