Yeah, this drug really is a godsend – until it’s not. 6.5g this morning at 10, then 7.5g at 3:30. Didn’t feel much and didn’t help much in the pm. Feel kind of yucky I think from the high amount. I’ve felt this before. I think we are very close to at least having a tolerance break. I slept badly last night. Had that central apnea thing again. CPAP didn’t help. What a pain in the ass. Maybe it’s from the higher amounts. It’s not really working anymore. Trying to figure out a plan now. I like the plan of take Thursday pm off, then Friday morning for the appointment. Pick up some sativa on the way home to try that. Never have tried sativa. That would be about 24 hours, so alcohol might be OK. then. Or I could just skip Friday morning and go from there. Take weed in the pm. Still pick up the sativa on the way home. I like the idea of having the alcohol option too, but I don’t know if I can get by in the pm without the meds. It seems a touch harder to get through the afternoon. Once the kratom wears off, it’s a rough landing. There is no landing in the morning I guess. That’s difficult for other reasons. It helps to have something to do to occupy my mind and kill time. The morning appt will help that. I guess I can just drink my way through it all. The first time I quit I intended on being totally drug free, so I suffered through. It was more successful because of it. The second time I was taking ketamine, which had its own set of problems. If I just go straight into alcohol it won’t be pretty, but I think it will work. It will prolong the actual kratom withdrawal and recovery. But I need pain relief regardless, so I’m fucked any which way.