Sleep was bad again. A lot of it is tons of pain overnight. Really hard to get comfortable. I managed to sleep until almost 9. I went to bed way late. Didn’t take Zanaflex until after 11. I felt so good last night. I felt so ‘normal’. It was the same thing psychedelics do for me. The serotonin helps so much with pain somehow. Or dopamine, or whatever. 6.5g at 10:20. 7.5g mostly of the red at 3:30. +1g at 4:15. I finished the first bag of green. Probably open the next bag tomorrow. Or do we want to go another day off?!! LOL. No. I don’t want any days off of this. Though the tolerance is getting very high. It gets difficult to take higher than 8g. Side effects are difficult to take. Had a decent day of playing games today. Played Deadlink. I suck so much at these types of games. I stuck with it for a while and finally beat the first boss! Probably 10 more bosses to go. Really good game. Very cool. Kratom dropped off hard at about 7:00. Pain was strong and the psych letdown was hard. I guess the serotonin dropping off hard. Pretty difficult.

By Del