Took 7+1 of the red this morning and 8+1 of red in pm. I was dying in the pm. Felt OK for a tiny bit in the evening and had a short walk. Ordered a gaming PC on eBay. Pretty good specs for $625. Let’s see if I can game while lying down on the couch. There’s a new casual MMO that I want to try. It would be nice to be able to lose myself in that while in bed or on the recliner. It might help me get through withdrawals when I do that – and that day is soon approaching. Loyola confirmed the injections for 1 week from today. Can’t wait for that. If that doesn’t work, it will probably be another 6 weeks for the second injection. This shit moves way too slow. I will definitely need a kratom break by then. I wrote down some ideas of things to do to pass time on the quitting document. Too many times I just sit there and take the pain and freak out. I can’t really do much, but I need to get up and move and do something. I went to Best Buy yesterday evening and it helped to get out of the house. I can go mall walk with my cane or something. Pass some time and remove myself from the cage I’m in.

By Del