Took a while to get to sleep. Sleep was OK. 7:45 wake up. Went to pharmacy at like 9. 7.5 + 1 red just before 10. I felt a little better mentally today than yesterday. Pain is pretty bad. It’s still irritated from the injections. Pressure feeling is down, just super achy. Don’t feel much from the kratom. That red stuff kind of sucks. Probably should order more green. Super humid today. Going to be blazing hot soon. Maybe use the treadmill if I can walk. Played some games with ice. Started feeling decent at about 1. I think it’s a serotonin thing. That red kratom works differently than the green. I would like to do 1 dose today. Based on how I am right now, I THINK I would go for it. Maybe beers after like 7. Then try to take tomorrow morning off. Even hotter tomorrow! I went outside for 10 seconds. It’s the most humid air I’ve ever experienced. Totally absurd. 4:30 and feeling good. Still surging serotonin somehow. Pain is there, but covered up with the serotonin. Switched from brace to ice. There might be a slight pain reduction that is causing this. Not sure. Maybe just a reaction from the different kratom. I’m taking advantage. Had some bad curry for dinner. Making my stomach hurt bad for a couple hours now. Took antacid and did nothing. Doesn’t feel like acid. It’s radiating to my back and ruining my good vibe. Shouldn’t be a problem tomorrow.