Yeah, that didn’t work. Woke up at 3 something and took lipo c. Took a long time to get back to sleep. Woke up 2 more times. Last time was 6 something. I didn’t feel good and couldn’t sleep. Took half a Zanaflex and woke up 7:45. It was slightly horrifying. Took 6.5g at 8:15. Very mild, but I felt better. 1-1/2 coffees. Still stuck on the couch until 11. Shower and a medium walk. Felt good in the beginning, but came home very slow. Just did some time on the table. Lots of soft tissue pain after. Icy hot and brace. Church walk. Getting hard. Playing games. I think I did a short walk earlier. Just did a long walk. Very slow. I was determined to do it. Came home and did table, then icy hot and brace. That’s when things kicked off for me yesterday, so it probably won’t do a thing today, naturally. I am rapidly approaching the tolerance break day off. These mornings have been pretty rough. I never know how I’m going to get through those days off. And they usually suck balls. Started coming up at about 8. Not long after the table. I just don’t get this! Why can’t I make this happen in the morning? Well, it’s dropping off by 9 anyway. I did 20 minutes on the bike. Legs are a bit rubbery! As fucked as I’ve felt this last week, it’s probably the most exercise I’ve had in a while. Actually, it wasn’t all that fucked though, was it? Just very rough mornings. I guess kind of rough for a lot of the day, but the kratom has been evening that out. I’ve had to work for the rest. I think the kratom is dropping off. Because I’ve been taking it earlier. I feel like I normally do after like 5 hours, even though I dose 6 hours apart. The house of cards comes tumbling down. Maybe why I slept shitty last night and felt the horror this morning. I need to shift back to the later hours. It seemed like it was working better. If I can get to 10:00, then I guess it does work better. Feel like I need a drink right now. 2 rums. Too bad it fades so quickly. And too bad I don’t have a tolerance anymore!