No pain relief feeling today at all. I really need it. I think it happens in combination with the kratom. 5.5g at 9:30. I was going to take 6 this afternoon as part of the taper. I’m thinking of 6.5 or even 7 atm. Feeling decent pain right now and very minor withdrawal type of feeling. Not digging it. Did a medium walk this morning. 2:30 right now and I’m having a bit of trouble holding out for pm dose. 6.5g at 4:00. I wanted to take that extra. I’m not feeling anything afterwards. Still feel pain creeping up and very minor withdrawal feeling. The taper is paused right now until I can get some pain relief back from the table. Long walk after dinner. Finished strong on that one…barely. That was the best I felt all day. Kind of blah otherwise. No return of the good pain relief I had for those several days. I guess not increasing meds is as good as a tolerance break. This bought me like a week. It’s all about time waiting for nothing to happen with the medical industry. I don’t know what I’m going to do tomorrow. I guess I’ll try the same dose as this morning and go from there. What the fuck does it take to get some relief that lasts longer than 3 days?

By Del