Sleep was good until 4:00. Was up until 6 something. Took full Zanaflex. Started feeling proper withdrawals. Took 2 GABA and it calmed down. Pain was horrifying, but GABA helped that. Felt hungover at 4. Hydrated a bunch. Icy hot, ibuprofen with the Zanaflex. Pain was bad. Thank goodness I got back to sleep. And until 9 or so. Pain felt better after waking up, but quickly started ramping up. Took 5.5g at 10:10. I think 4 rums and 2 beers in the end. Rough ending to the night yesterday, but I have those even with kratom. I’ve said this before, but I need to do this once a week. Take advantage of a good day like yesterday. I didn’t suffer until the evening. Still managed 2 short walks. definitely felt it wear off at like 1, but I still feel decent. Been between chair and couch. I’m thinking of skipping this afternoon. Passed my window while playing games. Skipping this afternoon. Short walk. Feel OK. Bored actually. 6:20. I wish it were 8:20 for multiple reasons. Short walk in the evening. Struggled to 9:00 and started beers. Pain is really bad. Going to be difficult sleeping.

By Del