Didn’t realize I could taper to 5/5.5 today. Fully zanny at 6:30. woke up at 9:30. Sleep was pretty good again. Exhausting myself is a good strategy. I feel so wrecked right now though. It takes so long to wake up and get going. 5g at 10:15. Suddenly started feeling really shitty at 11:30. Appetite gone. Nauseous, but different from the kratom nausea. Not sure what this is. Not good. Feel a bit better. Ate small lunch. 2:00 and still no shower. I don’t have much. Thinking of taking the pm dose early. I guess no taper today. It’s always something. 6g at 3:30. I ate ice cream earlier, but otherwise it was a good diet day. 40 minutes on the bike, high intensity. Had trouble getting to 140bpm. Eventually got there. That’s the red line for me. I crossed it and it started to shut me down. I suffered after that. Felt good though to give it my all. I’m seriously lacking strength. That’s the only exercise I had all day. Need to get a rain walk in a bit later. Long walk. Felt good. I need to muster more energy tomorrow. Probably not on the bike, but I need walks. I think today was probably a bad day, but because of the fitness and diet, I was able to get through better. Pain is bad, but it’s not bothering me as much as it normally would. I wish I had kratom right now to help the pain – that’s where the pain is. Makes it difficult to taper.

By Del