Had a weird high up pop on the table right before bed. I think that was what I needed. Hard wake up at 7. Full zanny. Wake up 9:30. 5g at 10. What a hard wake up. I feel so fucking burnt after dealing with yesterday. I am fried. Wiped. definitely feel better. Still unsure of that pop. Fucking help me, please. Pain is much better than yesterday, but I am still stuck on the couch. Not exhausted like before. I wonder if I pushed past that. Just wiped, burnt, fried. No energy, still bad pain. Maybe a low 8. Yesterday was a high 9. 6g at 3:15. +.5g 3:55. Feels like I need a lot more than that even. 5:00 and we’re back to yesterday’s levels. Couldn’t get a pop on the table today. Went almost vertical. Dying again. 8:00. I need lots of beers or something. I haven’t felt quite like this in a while it seems. It’s really bad. Beers at 8:45. Probably gonna be a great one tomorrow. Can’t force any pops on the table. Help me.