Those 2 beers didn’t help at all. Not even placebo effect. I need much more than that, but drinking with kratom is a disaster. Sleep sucked too. Double half zanny and ibu at 7. Woke up at 9:45. 5.5g at 10:15, no relief. Gonna be another fun one. I’m thinking of quitting the Lyrica for a few days for a reset. Maybe it will have an impact again. Had caffeine for the first time since Thanksgiving I think. It seems to burn the kratom faster. I felt better for it, but I think it will drop off harder, earlier. Struggling pretty hard. 6.5g at 3:30. Feel side effects, but no pain relief. I feel pretty delirious. I feel psychosis. Coming on in only 3 days, that tells me I’ve been at a 9. Not getting any pops on the table. Really trying to coax them out. Legs feel like jelly from not having used them in 4 days. So glad I put in all that effort and suffering on the bike, only to lose it immediately. Just got the pedals, shoes, shorts. Now they can collect dust. Tried out the new gear. 30 minutes. I was in all sorts of madness from that. It all felt pretty good. Saddle feels better from having those shorts. I had more power because of the shoes and pedals. Been so crazy today, I was looking at ride sharing. I gotta make some money. I need to get out of the house. It probably fucks the non-existent SSD income I have. I can go whenever I want/can. A few dollars coming in. I’m paying a fuck ton of money to have that car sit and do nothing.

By Del