I think the Lyrica is out of my system now. I woke up early and couldn’t get back to sleep. Lyrica made me sleep late. Pain is kind of brutal this morning. Feels like an early Fibro flare up. Went straight on the ice pack out of bed. Pain meds are barely touching it, but we’re holding out. I do feel like this is the end of the help from the injections. Back to bed. This is the cycle starting over again. I spent the last 5 days thinking I was improving, working hard on exercise, focusing on every minute to get by without crossing the line. And in the end, I’m right back where I started, no better than a week ago. I need to do a blog post about how I get to do that whole “I’m making my comeback, turning the corner, getting back in shape” thing every 3 weeks, where most people do it twice in their lives. And I’m still on medication and still can’t get out of bed.
Just spent time at my desk submitting the website to google and setting up the GoFundMe and I am completely cooked. I am at a 9, and on my way to a 10 very quickly. 45 minutes of sitting was the nail in the coffin. I don’t know how to prevent or treat these flare ups. I need to stop this fucking cycle. It is pure madness.